Tag: himalayas

Spiti Road Trip – 8 days – 3 Drone Episodes

For many years, people used to ask me, “You must have done the epic Spiti Road Trip, right ? ” And I used to shake my head and say , ” No, not yet .” Well now I have a new answer – My 3 episode Spiti Road Trip series. Spiti Episode 1: The Spiti…
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Find Cheaper Alternatives to Manali. Discover Naggar!

Even though I have seen lots of snow in my treks, a hearty snowfall was yet to be checked in my checklist. So on hearing that it was going to snow in Himachal Pradesh on the weekend, I immediately booked a bus to Manali. I thank my stars that I landed in Naggar and stayed there…
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Run for Buran Pass !

Buran Pass (~13000 ft) connects Shimla district to Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. It is a beautiful 5-6 day trek and can cost you around 10k (Delhi to Delhi). Checkout the vlog and if you have any doubts, drop a comment. Don’t miss the action at 10:54 in the vlog. Have a glimpse first. Have…
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